一枝笔写作事务所 2011-09-06 字数3550字 点击: 次
Maybe we should say that fashion is a sign of society.For example,we want a phone we can use everywhere,so mobile phones are widely used.So maybe in hundreds of years time we checked the booth,hundreds of years later we'll find som ething like that.Mobile phones now are widely used all over the world as a communication tool.So you see that not only is the mobile phone,it has become a sign of this society.There are some people that think that fashion is a result of the society,but they do not believe that fashion helps social progress.But my idea is different.So maybe next topic we are going to talk about today is social progress and fashion.
As we all know fashion is what people like.And people like to work out problems in their minds when they are working what for the things they like.So in this case we should say every problem was solved by people.The society and people are improving.So,we also know that fashion is also following science, inventions or technological progress.Let's use the same example with the pager.Pager is a result of the communication technology progress.We should say in the other hand it's a more fashionable world,much more fashionable society,you should say the society is not conservative.And we all know that open society progress more easily,and the United States is the best example.I think we are all the same in fashions.The only difference between us is the limit that we are reflected in fashion.And what is in fashion is changing quickly.It comes and goes every minute in the world.So I'm still using the example with the pager.Every young person now doesn't want the pager but they want the mobile phone.The reason is simple obile phone are much cheaper than.And the mobile phone is much more useful than the pager, they used to be espe- cially the use of the short message from the mobile phone which is widely used.And the m obile phone soon makes itself more popular than the pager,and it is in the center of the new moving communication.Now it is a fashion of the youths.
As we all know now,the world is developing fast.And the world also brings us a lot of interesting things and exciting things into fashion.For example,using computers and Internet,but drugs,gamblings are also thought of as in fashion someplaces.So there is one problem that we must face,that is we must always keep ourselves in the right fashion.It's very dangerous to get us in the wrong one.And this is the things that we must remember in our whole life.W e must always keep our minds clear.
As we know,our ancestors have created a history with their fashion,their sight of the society.So I think now it's our duty and also our responsibility to create ours.
Thank you for listening!That's my speech.
Q:Do you agree that people affect fashion?If you agree,illustrate this point.
A:Yes,I agree with this.Because as we know,humans are the biggest part of the society.Society is filled with humans.If humans can't affect fashion,what can affect fashion?If there is no man in this world,what does fashion mean?Fashion means nothing.No trace would be fashionable than the others.That's my answer.
Q:To my knowledge,a lot of teenagers nowadays have a mobile phone.Do you have one?
A:I don't have one,but because I came to the Summer Camp and my parents were worried about me,they lent me one.
Q:Based on your knowledge,why do many teenagers have mobile phones?I mean,for example,your classmates,why?
A:I think mobile phones are a very good tool and they are used everywhere.So in this fast developing society,people are always getting a huge amount of information and they have to use the communication tool that can be used everywhere.You know there are such busy people and they have business to take care of every day.In their future,they have to use this huge amount of information.This is the problem.I think maybe it's a sign of the mobile phone,because that is well used in the society.That's my answer.
(责任编辑:一枝笔写作)本文源自一枝笔写作,地址:https://www.sdyizhibi.com/wm/yjg/bsyjg/0F41254H016.html 复制链接